Rogue Bones are a Manchester based theatre company who have a hankering to tell stories in whatever way we bloomin' well want.
latest news
Write Here, Write Now
A new writing night with a difference!
Rogue Bones are inviting a group of established Northern writers to take up a challenge: they will have 8 days to write a short piece of work in response to a provocation set by the company. We obviously can’t tell you what the first challenge is yet (the writers might see it!) but it will involve you, the audience, as we play with the kind of experiences that theatre can provide.
Previous Show
Free Fall
Written by Vinay Patel | Directed by Kash Arshad
Two strangers on a bridge in the dead of night, a game of dominoes, and a value ready meal - this is a story of humanity, desperation, and hope.
Associate company
Rogue Bones Made Associate Company
We are delighted to announce that we are now an Associate Company at The Oldham Coliseum!
First up, Amie will be leading the Scribbles writing group. Watch this space for more exciting news to come!